
Homeopathy *
Homeopathy involves the use of very small amounts of plant, mineral or animal substances, which some believe may trigger healing.


Homeopathic remedies are made from plant, mineral and animal substances and are often diluted in water and taken in liquid, cream or tablet form.  Some believe this may trigger a healing mechanism in the body, although there is currently no evidence for this.

Approval score:

We gave this an approval score of 1 stars, meaning there is no evidence of benefit, but it is unlikely to be harmful.

How does homeopathy work?

Homeopathy is based on the theory of treating like with like. To treat an illness a homeopathic therapist (homeopath) uses tiny doses of a substance that in large doses would actually cause the symptoms of the illness.
Homeopathic remedies are made from plant, mineral and animal substances. They are diluted in water. The water is used to make homeopathic liquid (drops), pills or creams. Homeopaths believe that the original substance somehow leaves a molecular blueprint in the water that triggers your body's healing mechanisms.
Homeopathy is one of the most common complementary therapies used by people with cancer. As with most types of complementary therapy, people use it because it may help them feel better or more in control of their situation. Some people choose homeopathy because it offers a completely different type of treatment compared to conventional medicine.
Homeopathy is used alongside conventional medicine and should not be used instead of conventional cancer treatment.

What are the benefits?

Homeopathy practitioners believe that the treatment can help people with cancer relax and cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. It is also promoted as a way of controlling symptoms and side effects such as pain, sickness and tiredness. Homeopaths believe it can treat a wide range of symptoms and conditions.
We don’t know whether homeopathy helps people to feel better because of the homeopathic remedies or because people believe that they will work (the placebo effect).

What is the evidence?

Although there have been many research studies into homeopathy there is no scientific or medical evidence that it can prevent cancer or work as a cancer treatment.
Recent research into homeopathy for cancer has looked at treating cancer, reducing symptoms or side effects and boosting immunity.  There’s no reliable medical evidence that homeopathy is effective, although further research is underway.  You can read more about the research into homeopathy at Cancer Research UK or Macmillan.

Who should be careful?

Always speak to your doctor or specialist before beginning any complementary therapy treatment. 

Trying our homeopathy as part of your plan

There are several homeopathic hospitals in the UK that give homeopathy on the NHS as part of their care. Some medical doctors are trained homeopaths. It is important to make sure that you are seeing a trained and registered homeopathic practitioner.
If you wish to try homeopathy, see Cancer Research UK for advice on finding a homeopath.
It is possible to buy homeopathic remedies over the counter in chemist shops and health food shops to treat minor ailments. A pharmacist may be able to advise you on those that are safe to use. It is important to remember that these remedies will not be tailored specifically for you.

Setting goals and monitoring your progress

If you decide to try homeopathy, set yourself small goals based on your homeopathists recommendations and record your personal progress and feelings in your PlanBe diary.


·      Homeopathy involves the user of very small amount of plant, mineral or animals substances, which some believe may have a healing effect on the body, although there is currently no evidence for this.
·      It is important to find a reputable homeopathist if you decide to try homeopathy.
·      Record you progress in your PlanBe diary.


See Cancer Research UK’s advice on homeopathy.

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