
What is PlanBe?

  • PlanBe is a programme for people living with cancer that you can follow every day, whether you are having a medical therapy or not.
    It provides information to help you choose from a range of options including physical activity, diet, complementary therapies and stress reduction. It is a framework for you to create a day by day health and well-being programme that is tailored to your needs, preferences, available resources and choices.
How can PlanBe help me with my cancer?

  • The aim of PlanBe is to help you live longer and better with your cancer.
  • Improved quality of life
  • Feeling more confident about making decisions about your cancer

How does it work?

  • The programme provides you with information and tools to help you choose from many options under the headings of: Body; Mind; Diet; Complementary Therapy; Resilience; and Medical Therapy

Is PlanBe good for my specific type of cancer?

  • Yes.  Although there are obviously differences between different cancers, there is a huge amount of underlying common ground.
  • Also, each person will make different choices within the programme so that each person's PlanBe will be tailored specifically to their own needs and preferences

How do I start on the PlanBe programme?

  • The programme is free to join.
  • Review the resources, information and tools on this website
  • Follow the suggestions for selecting options to include in your PlanBe programme
  • Use a diary or journal to log your progress and keep motivated

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